Maybelle Blair: is a former pitcher who played in 1948 for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League made famous by the movie “A League of Their Own”. After baseball she played professional softball and worked for Northrup Aircraft where she became the third female manager in all of Northrup and the first in transportation. She travels the United States speaking on behalf of women’s baseball. She’s been featured on CBS Sunday Morning, Good Morning America, MLB Network, Rachel Ray, and in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and LA Times. She has been honored at Fenway Park in Boston, Wrigley Field in Chicago, both Angel Stadium and Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, the Arizona Diamondbacks, featured as a Yahoo Maker by the Yahoo Makers Conference and most recently was recognized as one of AdWeek’s 2022 Most Powerful Women in Sports. She is an ambassador for Boston Red Sox Women’s Fantasy Camp, Baseball For All, Inc., a founding member of the International Women’s Baseball Center, Inc. and the inspiration behind the new Amazon Prime Video television series A League of Their Own. Her current project is to build a women’s baseball center at the home of the original Rockford Peaches in Rockford Illinois so that girls and women can have #APlaceOfTheirOwn.

Nona Lee: Nona spent 22 seasons with the Arizona Diamondbacks as their Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Officer where she oversaw all legal issues for the organization. Currently, Nona is the Founder and CEO of Truth DEI Consulting, and co-founder of Truth Retreats.

Laura Gentile: With 20 years of experience at ESPN as CMO and founder of espnW, Laura is dedicated to building a more equitable version of sport for all. Currently, Laura is a Senior Advisor at 17 Sport and leads her own marketing consultancy LauraGentile.Studio.

Kate Childs Graham: A speechwriter and communications strategist, KCG has worked closely with the nation’s most influential policymakers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in women’s sports. KCG is currently an Executive Director at West Wing Writers.

Dr. Kat Williams: Kat is Professor Emeritus of Women’s Sport History at Marshall University. She is a founder and CEO of the International Women’s Baseball Center, and the author of several books about women in baseball.

Dr. Leslie Heaphy: Leslie is an author and associate professor of history at Kent State at Stark. She has been the chair of the Society of American Baseball Research’s (SABR) Women in Baseball Committee since 1995.

Digit Murphy: Digit is a visionary in the women’s sports world. She served as President of the Toronto Six pro hockey team; coached 24 years for Brown University; and cofounded the first women’s pro lax league. Digit runs her own consulting firm, UWS NIL Agency.

Ayami Sato: MLB.com called Sato one of the best women pitchers to ever play baseball. She is a Team Japan Pitcher, Six-Time World Cup Champion and Three-Time World Cup MVP. Sato embraces being a role model and is focused on growing the game in Japan and beyond.

Rhonda Eiffe: Rhonda brings over 35 years of leadership experience in the information technology field and is an Emmy-nominated documentary producer. A fierce advocate for underserved and underrepresented communities, she played Little League baseball after Title IX passed and remains a dedicated supporter of girls’ and women’s sports.